Saturday, September 18, 2021


I’ve often wondered about the concept of closure. Sometimes I think it’s a word others use to describe your situation so they can stop thinking about it. And they want you to validate them by accepting their wish of closure for you. And I think that shortchanges the concept of healing. 

Instead of closure I think there may just be various stages of healing. The open wound phase is the worst, and obviously not a place anyone wants to stay in for any length of time. So anything that closes the open wound is welcome. But I don’t think I’ve ever been around anyone who has completely healed from significant wounds. There are always scars or reminders that something happened and God forbid, could happen again. And much of life is navigating through those troubled waters of uncertainty. And I don’t think that journey fully concludes this side of life. So I always feel a bit trite wishing someone closure. What I really wish is for a continued healing process and peace along the way.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

The Beast Card

I mean, that’s the real enemy, right? The Beast? And his mark, that we’re to avoid at all costs, or basically forfeit our soul? Sure, the Bible prophesizes about it. In the end times…perilous times will come. But the key is to know when to play that card. Now is not the time. Play it too soon and you’re like the karaoke singer who comes in too early on a song…and if persistent is off the entire duration of the tune. 

Play your card when it’s time to play your card. Not before. Timing is everything. We’re trying to get through a pandemic. The vaccine helps us do that. Other unproven methods…let’s face it. They didn’t make the cut and now they’re trying to get a participation trophy. Sorry… your methods are unproven and largely untried…because they weren’t good enough to make the cut. The medical community went with something else and this isn’t Burger King where you can have it your way. This is still a pandemic. And the overwhelming majority of the medical community supports vaccination and masking. 

So put your beast card away and save it for another time. You can only cry wolf so many times before you’re not taken seriously. And some have already passed that threshold. 

Oh, and another sign we’re in the end times…men will be lovers of themselves. So, for the sake of humanity…consider what’s best for others as well as yourself. Vaccinate and mask up.