Saturday, December 18, 2021

Give Generosity A Chance

I know what my natural tendencies are. I tend to hold on to what’s mine with a tight grip. I’ve earned it. Grown it. Not about to let go of it. It’s like that’s my natural default setting. But every once in a while I deviate. And, the results aren’t always the same. But there’s something about being generous that gives ME something that accumulating and holding tight can’t. 

I know. We can talk about motives all day. I’ve given to get. I’ve given for all the wrong reasons. But occasionally a well intended act of generosity has made its way from me. And it’s difficult to put into words, but sometimes the results for me are exhilarating. Not always. But sometimes. I’m thinking we all like that experience. But our defaults to accumulate and hold tight are similar as well. And it’s tough to let go. 

I don’t believe in giving until it hurts. And I would dissuade giving to get. I think we also have a built in sense to detect those who prey on others’ generosity. And we stay away from those types. Largely. Most of us. Yes, I know some give to a fault. But I also think we can discern and detect good opportunities to be generous. Not a guilt driven obligation. But an honest…I want to do this generous act…just because…and not need much of a reason. 

Recently someone commented on one of my food pics and I think it encapsulates what I’m talking about. The person described how sometimes they’ll buy an extra Papa Murphy’s pizza, put it on the smoker, and deliver it to someone who’s having a bad day. I wasn’t soliciting some do-gooder response. But I thought, what a great thing to do… when the motives are simple and pure. Super easy, but very impactful. 

Confession: I can’t remember the last time I put gas in my truck. Gas prices are a sensitive topic and I don’t want to be tone deaf in my narrative. But it’s been months since I’ve put gas in my truck. For one, I work from home, and I just don’t drive that much. But also over the last several months I’ve loaned out my truck to four different people who returned it with more gas than was in it when they borrowed it. Yes, that’s a decent thing to do when borrowing a vehicle. But I think generosity begets generosity. And to me, that’s a bit exhilarating. And it made a positive impact on me. 

Another thing…I didn’t initiate the process. I wasn’t going around …hey, want to borrow my truck?? (Nudge nudge wink wink, know what I mean??) …with hopes of getting my tank filled. The opportunity for me to be generous came to me. And when I said ok, I truly received more than I gave. I am aware of gas prices. In this case I felt like I received more than I gave. 

And no. You can’t borrow my truck. And yes, I still have a tendency to cling to what is mine. But I also know that to let that grip go once in a while can be a glorious thing. Rewarding in ways other than financial. It can just be good for the soul. 

Give generosity a chance. You just might enjoy the results. I bet you already have and you already know what I’m taking about. I sincerely hope so. 

Thank you for reading.