Without going into particulars, the worst thing about my or anyone else’s world view is calling it a world view. I always should have kept it as simply a personal belief system. But once I promote my belief system to a world view, I’m basically proclaiming what “should” be for all, in order for the world to be a better place. That’s how a belief system (abbreviated bs) turns to BS. If everyone believed as I do, we’d all be better off (according to world view holders). Anyone who deviates from my belief system will inevitably encounter consequences which automatically are classified as “you problems”. Should’ve done it my way. Should’ve believed like I believe.
See…it’s BS.
What I want now is for my belief system to be considered with as much courtesy and respect as the next guy’s. I don’t have to have certain stores celebrating my belief system with belief system friendly merchandise. Just compatible. Compatible with mine, no more, no less than the next guy’s.
Have you ever wondered where John Lennon got the lyric “Imagine there’s no heaven”? I haven’t researched and studied his philosophy. But my guess is he would be pretty elusive in his description when asked. And a lot of people I’ve known over the years really wouldn’t put much stock in his explanation anyway, as they’d prefer to apply their own explanation on his behalf with or without his input. Like…Lennon was anti god, anti heaven, and that song is proof.
Well. I don’t know about that. Certain thoughts spring to mind when I consider that lyric. One thought is that it seems to me that many people’s endgame to their belief system is based on their view of eternity..the hereafter…heaven. And so they develop their belief system based on what matters in light of eternity..and consequently promote that as a world view for the here and now.
How many wars have occurred because differing world views were in conflict? Because differing interpretations of the afterlife are applied to formulate these world views?
Side note: I love free will. But for the life of me I can’t figure out why people would war with others over differing religious beliefs. If God gave us free will, isn’t He already allowing for differing thought processes? And He gives everyone their lifetime to think it out…freely? So why would anyone take it upon themselves to truncate God’s timeframe for someone, especially if it resulted in eternal damnation? Wouldn’t God call those into account for playing god and cutting short a life He was allowing to live longer..under free will?
So…imagine that dynamic didn’t exist..the striving to promote one’s world view over another through persecution, conflict and wars.. I can see how that could result in more peace here on earth, if that dynamic didn’t exist. Instead we have world views supposedly based in morality derived from divinely inspired writings..being forced upon the populations using whatever corrupt political strategies achieve the desired end result…free-will be damned.
People see through that and are disgusted. I know I am.
My personal belief system is fine for me. If we talk and help each other think through life’s difficulties…awesome. But I’m not going to impose my belief system on you or others. Nor do I want that from you. Of course we live under common laws for the sake of civility. And right now common laws allow me to observe my personal beliefs to the fullest extent I personally enjoy. That’s never really been in jeopardy in my lifetime, despite what fear some try to promote in an effort to secure their own belief systems while opposing others.
I’m done with that, and have been done with that for years.
…Or not.
Much of that is up to you, depending if you can be at peace letting someone else live according to their belief system that is different than yours. If it bugs the hell out of you, well, that sounds like a you problem. And maybe that’s why peace is elusive.